Friday, November 05, 2004

Typical Day in the Life

At two months, this is what our typical days look like...

4-5am - Carter wakes up to eat. I try to sleep through as much of this one as I can. Jason takes him after he eats and entertains him while he gets ready for work so I can sleep a little more. Usually he hangs out in the swing and doesn't sleep much this cycle.

8am - Carter hungry again and because he didn't sleep much he is fussy. After a diaper change and about 2o minutes of playing he is usually tired and wants to go to sleep. I rock him to sleep but if I put him in his crib he'll wake up within a few minutes and need to be rocked to sleep again. Somewhere in here I'll try to have breakfast.

11am - Mom and Carter are hungry. I'll try to make lunch as he's waking up and eat before I feed him, but that doesn't always work out without him screaming for a few minutes. The swing usually buys me a little time. He'll stay up and smile and play with me for about an hour before getting tired again.

2pm - Carter wakes up hungry. After feeding he is usually very happy and after a diaper change sleeps pretty good (at least an hour). He usually falls asleep on my chest and I'll watch a little TV while he sleeps to relax. I haven't been able to catch a nap during the days, so watching what I've TIVOed in the afternoon is how I wind down.

5pm - I'll try to make dinner before feeding Carter, but that isn't always doable. I've had to keep meals really simple the past couple of months, but I did make a turkey last week so we'd have a ton of leftovers to munch on. When Jason gets home he usually plays with Carter and gives me a little bit of a break. Carter will usually sleep for about an hour in this cycle.

8pm - Feed Carter. He's really fun during this time and I try to keep him up as long as possible so he'll sleep at night a little more. After playing for an hour or so he can get really fussy and doesn't really want to sleep anyways.

10-11pm - I try to get in an early feeding at 10 if Carter wakes up because he tends to sleep longer if he's full. It is usually hard to rock him to sleep after this feeding and I get really tired.

2am - Most of the time Carter wakes up in the middle of the night for a feeding but a couple of times he hasn't. It really depends on when the last feeding of the evening is. It is usually pretty easy to get him back to sleep after a diaper change.


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