Friday, November 05, 2004

Two Month Milestones

At two months, Carter is doing the following:
  • Smiling a lot, especially to faces
  • Cooing and making lots of vowel sounds
  • Discovering his hands - watches them and bops himself on the head
  • Sucks on his hand (not his thumb or fingers yet, just the whole fist)
  • Loves diaper changes - is most happy here for some reason
  • Holding his head up pretty well
  • Will pull himself up if you give him your hands and help him a little
  • Standing a lot while you hold him
  • Tracking moving objects with his eyes
  • Will push up his head until it locks under your neck when trying to sleep
  • Taking a pacifier consistently but spits it out a lot accidentally
  • Hates riding in the car - will cry the entire ride unless rocked or given a pacifier. Why don't they make vibrating carseats?


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