Wednesday, October 14, 2009


First fire of the season. Toasty! Kids enjoying picnic dinner on pirate plates. Bean bags are out for full lounging benefit. And paper bag lanterns that Carter invented. Good times.
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Thursday, October 08, 2009

Piano man

I came back from my trip to Nashville to discover that Carter learned to play piano while I was gone. See for yourself...

Here's the original Coldplay song he is playing:

And of course Sabrina couldn't miss out on the action...

Not bad for the first lesson - can you see how proud of herself she is?

Every time I leave my family, Jason does a great job with the kids. A little too good if you ask me. I'm not sure how he gets them to sit still for long enough to learn piano, for example. That just doesn't happen when I work with them. He is so incredibly patient and creative when teaching them that it is wonderful to watch. But it is starting to make me look bad...
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