Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Feels good to be outside w/o a parka or scarf

Look what you can find on a walk if you look for it.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Wired Kids

A couple of weeks ago I attended a session on “Unplugging our Kids and Plugging in the Family” by Gloria Degaetano. Gloria was an engaging speaker with a fascinating background and I left feeling very passionate about something I knew very little about before. She validated concerns I had about exposure to electronics in kids, but more importantly helped me to understand the science behind why these tools can be harmful to kids as they develop. Here is a transcript of my notes from the 90 minute presentation she gave.

Friday, April 03, 2009

Look what we did today!

I got a new scrapbooking tool called a Cricut that cuts any shapes I want. It is very fun and a little addicting....

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