Monday, November 26, 2007

like i need another craft...

i took a needle felting class in october and it was so fun! i made a little lamb and a penguin out of raw wool and it actually turned out cute. anyways, my friend marci gave me some alpaca and i am dying to work with it. not sure yet what i'll create with it but i wanted to document the steps before i forget. so here you go.

1. washing alpaca fleece:
2. cool characters and teachers site:

well sabrina woke up - so much for a brain dump. at least i can clean the fleece now!

what's done is done

well, i did it. i wanted something new and i got it. 'nuff said.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

fall photos!

i'm uploading and sending out new photos from kodakgallery*. if you didn't get the email link, let me know and i'll send it to you. things we've been up to over the past month are captured there including:
  • our recent trip to appleby's (who knew it would be such a great photo op?)
  • scrapbook weekend '07 and my favorite pictures from lindsey's wedding
  • our impromptu picnic on the beach (shiver - bad idea in november but couldn't resist a sunny day!)
  • my bolero sweater i've been knitting for sabrina but ran out of yarn so one sleeve was longer than the other. i've since fixed it but it is a little big for her so maybe it'll work in the spring since it is short sleeved now?
  • playing in the leaves. it really feels like fall around here, the crisp air and all the maple leaves on the ground. we get to see even more sunshine now that all the trees are bare!
  • and mr b. carter and i made an ugly doll. he wanted one but i couldn't justify it so one day when sabrina was sleeping and carter didn't want to nap we whipped up this tooth shaped doll. he loves it!

* why am i still using kodakgallery, you might ask? for a few reasons, but mostly because it requires people to sign on so i know who is watching my kiddos. plus my family (read grandparents) know how to use it and all of our pictures are stored over the past 5 years. plus uploading is easy and i don't have to pay for space. so i've got a great/free copy of all of my favorite pictures.

what to do with my wednesday

our day started at 6.30am today and we were having a hard day by the time 8.30 rolled around so i knew we needed to do something and get out of the house. so we headed to silverdale to return some things to target (generating cash :) and went out for lunch. i wanted to try the new weight watchers menu at appleby's and i hadn't been there in a while. the salad i had wasn't very good, but they comped me the salad and i just ate a chicken strip from carter's plate. however, we shared a small dessert and the kids had so much fun eating in a new place. sabrina did this funny thing with her spoon - she was so proud that she could hold it in her mouth without using her hands - and we were cracking up. almost rolling on the floor, uncontrollably laughing. everyone said my kids were so cute (duh!) and we had fun tearing up the place. it was definitely kid friendly - and it helped that they put us in a back corner so we could run around a bit. a souvenir for you from our trip...

knitters tea swap 4

hey there,

i'm just going to pretend that i've been posting regularly all this time. when there is a lapse in posting it is hard to get started again because nothing feels significant enough. anyways - i finally posted a thank you for a knitting swap i did online. i forgot to take a picture of the package that I sent, but it was fun to get a nice surprise of tea and yarn. you can see my post and picture here.
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