Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Ear Infection!

I probably should have detected this sooner, but we found out this morning that Carter has an ear infection. Poor kid has had a hard time sleeping and started pulling at his ears a little bit this weekend, but has been his normal self until he woke up this morning screaming bloody murder! He should start feeling better tonight with the antibiotics and hopefully we'll be able to start getting a full nights sleep again.

Monday, April 11, 2005


We are in the process of becoming members of WestSide Presbyterian church. It was a hard decision to leave my home church, but I'm excited to join a church closer to home and make new friends. Pastor Paul Smith is a dynamic, bright speaker and I'm learning a lot. I highly recommend his book 'God's Plan for Our Good' - it tackles tough issues including the sovereignty of God, presense of evil in the world, and human freedom in a way that is easy to understand.

Friday, April 08, 2005

7 Months

This month has been high-energy. It is amazing to me that Carter is still developing so quickly - you would think my lists would get shorter, not longer! More highlights for you:

  • second tooth popped through on bottom - really cute when he smiles now
  • waving at people to say hi or bye
  • standing up as often as he can - will use anything as a prop to stand
  • babbling sounds like real words instead of same thing over and over
  • not sleeping through night anymore - wakes up once or twice but can be rocked back to sleep pretty quickly
  • picky eater - as well as being allergic
  • understands NO
  • bath time is chaotic - immediately rolls over and slips all over the place
  • gives kisses and reaches for people
  • likes to watch dad working in the garage or on the camper
  • crawling really fast - still need to baby proof
  • no fear - crawls right off our bed or would lunge down the stairs
  • hair is getting long enough to curl
  • in process of changing schedule to two long naps (1.5-2hrs) instead of a nap each feeding cycle - carter is much happier when he takes longer naps
  • still likes to read books
  • started water babies class on Weds and he loves splashing me in the face!
  • doesn't like crowded or loud places

More pictures posted in his one year album.

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