Monday, February 28, 2005

6 month milestones

This past month went by so fast, I can't believe it. We are having the most fun playing together. Some highlights:

  • fascinated with paper
  • crawling, scooting, inching (forward and backwards)
  • reaching for people or objects he likes
  • watches contently while we eat dinner, started solid foods
  • loves his daily walk in the stroller
  • is great in the car now, rarely cries
  • is doing really well with his grandma's who babysit once a week
  • shaking rattles to make noise
  • feeling textures with his hands and mouth
  • especially responsive - easy to make him smile, cries when you leave the room
  • sitting up well, though not completely by himself
  • really active - no more cuddling, this guy wants to play!
  • needed to trim his hair around his ears
  • favorite toys are the remote control and telephone
  • wearing clothes sized 12 mo
  • wearing disposable diapers now to improve mobility

Sunday, February 27, 2005

More pictures

Created a new album with pictures since we've been to Hawaii. You can find it here.


So we tried pears for the first time today. Carter mostly spit them out and made funny faces, but he was really into the spoon and kept grabbing for more. I'm not sure he actually swollowed anything, but it is a good start. I'm sure he'll get the hang of it soon.

Bought some baby food books today that came highly recommended. I'm planning on making as much as I can. My organic fruit delivery each week makes it really easy to add variety and make sure he is eating well.
- Simply Natural Baby Food
- Mommy Made & Daddy Too!
- Annabel Karmel's New Complete Baby and Toddler Meal Planner

Sunday, February 13, 2005

New Phase: Eating

Carter is getting ready to enter a whole new stage of development - eating solid foods. I'm looking for a good high chair and am totally disappointed by what is out there. Most of them are hideous - not something I want displayed prominently in my house. The one high chair that has a little personality to it is $200! My favorite is the Peg-Perego (here:, but from what I've read (including the Baby Bargains book) it is impossible to clean and too tall for most babies. But it sure looks nice! The high chair that has the best reviews and would probably be the most practical, is an adjustable booster but is just plain ugly. I don't know what to do...

5 Months!

I can't believe Carter is already 5+ months old. New milestones include:
  • getting up on his hands and knees and rocking back and forth
  • sleeping 10 hrs between feedings
  • talking, talking, talking
  • holding his bottle during feedings
  • loves his baths - is getting more brave each time!
  • fascinated with food - will watch us eat and try to grab our glasses
  • flirting with strangers - everywhere we go he's making people smile
  • rolling over both directions
  • loves books - his favorite is hand, hand, fingers, thumb

I had no idea how fulfilling being a mom would be. I'm having my best time ever!

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