Monday, October 03, 2005

It's a girl!

We found out yesterday that our second baby, due April 9th, will be a girl. Needless to say, we are very excited for this new adventure and are frantically trying to get ready.

First Birthday

We celebrated Carters first birthday on September 3rd at Hood Canal and had a great time with our family. He was not into the presents or cake, but more excited about playing with his cousins. Who could blame him? We've had a great first year and I'm looking forward to next year. Some final monthly milestones for you:
  • Carter is blubbering, all the time. He is talking away to himself when he is reading stories or playing on his own, and he'll walk up to you talking gibberish and expect you to understand what he wants.
  • He's surprisingly good at communicating what he wants and it is clear that he understands a lot of what we are saying. You can tell him to go find his shoes and he'll track them down from his bedroom. Some of his favorite words include ball, shoe, hat, truck, up, down, boat, and Chewy (Keith & Maria's dog who is staying with us this month).
  • He loves books. He likes you to read to him, but he turns the pages and determines the pace. And he'll take all of the books off his shelf one at a time to have you read them to him. He also sits and reads to himself.
  • He pretends to talk on the phone. He holds the phone up to his ear backwards and starts jabbering. Really cute.
  • He's doing better at playing independently - he loves taking stuff out of the kitchen cabinets and getting into the garbage. Time to install some locks on the drawers...
  • He's fascinated with buckles - tries to unbuckle his highchair or car seat.
  • Easily frustrated if something isn't going his way. And he gets overstimulated quickly if there are too many people around or it is too noisy - Gets very fussy. He also started biting when he is mad. We've got to work on that.
  • He's a good eater - loves eggs, grapes, edamame, beans - pretty much any finger food that isn't crunchy. We've got to work on the vegetables a little bit. Still having a reaction to tomatoes, sweet potatoes, and carrots. But it is nice because we can feed him food that I prepare for dinner.

I posted new pictures to his first year album from the birthday party. I've also created a new one for his toddler years since there were almost 180 pictures in the other album. Enjoy!

Thursday, July 21, 2005

11 months

Almost one year - I need to get busy planning his birthday! The highlights

- Carter is starting to understand that objects can go inside other objects. It is very fun to watch him carefully remove a block and then put it right back in the bucket. Really cute.
- He carries around a big truck his grandma brought him that he can also put stuff in the back and take it out and put it back in and take it out and put it back in.
- Loves walking - will take your finger and walk back and forth. Most of the time though he pulls himself up on furniture and then takes off across the room without help. No place in the house is out of reach now - and he loves practicing this new skill all the time. He also grabs onto the Jeep on the ExerSaucer and walks around in circles dragging the jeep with him.
- Carter is a ham - he's totally social. He'll walk up to folks and get right in their face to force them to look at him. He loves playing with other kids and doesn't understand when they get scared (because he's running to them to talk or wants to give them 'kisses' with his teeth!)
- Teething - Is working on his 8th tooth right now.
- Is starting to get adventurous with finger food. Is still very picky about texture and takes some coaxing, but last night he liked to munch on noodles, cheese, peas, and tomatoes.
- Favorite toy is a wooden alligator on a string he pulls behind him walking up and down the hall.
- Talking a lot - now has entire conversations with you in jibberish, he likes to join in on any conversation in person or on the phone, and can say up/down (one word more like p-dow) in addition to truck, dad, mom, dog, annika (an-ka). sometimes will mimic words right after you say them.
- Still not loving the sign language we are working on. Will use all-done but the rest he understands but won't use himself yet. He's already trying to say the words we want him to sign.
- Started to throw temper tantrums when he doesn't get his way. Starts screaming, face all red, body all stiff, pulling at your arm or finger hard and arching his back so you can't hold him. This is going to be fun...

I quit

I've decided to quit Amazon at the end of September. I'm feeling pretty good about my decision to stay home with Carter and focus on our family right now. It was a surprisingly freeing decision - while I could figure out how to make it work and my part-time gig is pretty nice - I choose to step out of the paid work force. I was really scared that if/when I did make that decision I'd close a lot of doors in terms of future opportunities to work on something compelling and exciting. Let's face it - we work in a culture where mom's aren't really valued and taking time off of work for a long period of time is suspect. The other risk is that I've developed an expertise in an industy that is rapidly changing and while I've focused on building a general management skillset - I'll have to sell myself pretty agressively in the future. And of course as soon as I made that decision I got a ton of external director and vp level job opportunities at local companies that were almost too good to pass up. But it was easy in a way because I don't want to work full-time. Carter is way too much fun and having two working parents is really stressful. I'd rather simplify our life and enjoy this time as a family. As soon as I made the decision I felt much better - I'll let the future take care of itself.

I'm also excited about leaving Amazon. I thought I'd miss work more than I did - being on maternity leave gave me some perspective on how crazy Amazon really is. It isn't a fun place to work anymore and I'm ready for a change - I've been working in online marketing at Amazon for almost 6 years.

I didn't anticipate how challenging motherhood is either. Not only am I caring for Carter (nanny), but managing the family finances (CFO), coordinating our activities/volunteering/planning for fun stuff, cooking (chef), running errands, cleaning the house, and taking care of myself has been crazy. Caring for Carter has required me to be the most creative I've ever been. Plus I'm having a blast.

So come October I'll have time to reconnect with friends and take care of my family.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

10 Months Already!

The past couple of months have been very eventful and full of big milestones. We've been camping twice and hung out at Hood Canal a couple of times. It is getting harder to live in the moment and soak it all up - but we're having a great time watching Carter's personality develop even more. Here are some more milestones to share with you:

  • Eating well - likes everything we've tried so far. Starting to feed himself cheerios, though isn't excited about anything else I've put in front of him.
  • Reads books to himself - cracking up at little faces as he reads the stories
  • Still loving his bath - now splashes and reads books
  • Talking to the birds and dogs on our walk (first official word is Dog)
  • Walking along furniture and with one hand
  • Carrying things with him when he crawls or walks
  • Loves to dance to music or rythms
  • Looks to the sky when he hears airplains and gets excited when he finds them
  • Fascinated with buckles and straps
  • Getting used to camping in the camper. The first couple of times were a nightmare - he wakes up and doesn't know where he is. But he loves playing in the playpen Jason made for him.
  • Teething like crazy - now has 4 teeth on top and two on the bottom
I posted more pictures in our online photo album if you'd like to see them. Some fun camping pictures from our trips to Kelso and Kalaloch.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

8 Months

Technically we are at 8 1/2 months - but better late than never, right? Here's the latest milestones:
  • Mastering holding and minipulating objects - but still explores everything with his mouth
  • Playing with ears and plays with his hair while drinking his bottle
  • Walking around the coffee table, sofa, etc and moving between objects that are close enough to hold onto
  • Vocalizing a lot - Carter likes to talk and will walk up to a chair, pull himself up to standing, extend his hand high up in the air, and yell at the top of his lungs
  • Waves like an expert when people come or go
  • Knows that when the garage door opens someone is coming home - knows that when dad puts his coat on he's leaving for work
  • A little separation anxiety - when I leave the room he gets upset and when dad goes to work he cries
  • Allergic to carrots and sweet potatoes still
  • Loves typing on the keyboard and pulling off letters
  • Re-learning how to fall asleep on his own
  • Three teeth and more coming on top
  • Attacks other kids when he greets them still - tries to give them kisses by pulling them on the ears to come closer
  • Doesn't like loud environments
  • Loves playing in the mirror - giggles, waves, and talks to himself
  • House is now babyproofed - loves outlets and cables
  • Likes playing with dogs - chases them around and pulls their tails

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Congrats Lindsey!

I'm excited that my little All-American sister just landed an internship at Nike in LA working with their entertainment group upon graduation. Just one more dream she's accomplished in a long and impressive list. Way to go!

More pictures of Lindsey here.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Ear Infection!

I probably should have detected this sooner, but we found out this morning that Carter has an ear infection. Poor kid has had a hard time sleeping and started pulling at his ears a little bit this weekend, but has been his normal self until he woke up this morning screaming bloody murder! He should start feeling better tonight with the antibiotics and hopefully we'll be able to start getting a full nights sleep again.

Monday, April 11, 2005


We are in the process of becoming members of WestSide Presbyterian church. It was a hard decision to leave my home church, but I'm excited to join a church closer to home and make new friends. Pastor Paul Smith is a dynamic, bright speaker and I'm learning a lot. I highly recommend his book 'God's Plan for Our Good' - it tackles tough issues including the sovereignty of God, presense of evil in the world, and human freedom in a way that is easy to understand.

Friday, April 08, 2005

7 Months

This month has been high-energy. It is amazing to me that Carter is still developing so quickly - you would think my lists would get shorter, not longer! More highlights for you:

  • second tooth popped through on bottom - really cute when he smiles now
  • waving at people to say hi or bye
  • standing up as often as he can - will use anything as a prop to stand
  • babbling sounds like real words instead of same thing over and over
  • not sleeping through night anymore - wakes up once or twice but can be rocked back to sleep pretty quickly
  • picky eater - as well as being allergic
  • understands NO
  • bath time is chaotic - immediately rolls over and slips all over the place
  • gives kisses and reaches for people
  • likes to watch dad working in the garage or on the camper
  • crawling really fast - still need to baby proof
  • no fear - crawls right off our bed or would lunge down the stairs
  • hair is getting long enough to curl
  • in process of changing schedule to two long naps (1.5-2hrs) instead of a nap each feeding cycle - carter is much happier when he takes longer naps
  • still likes to read books
  • started water babies class on Weds and he loves splashing me in the face!
  • doesn't like crowded or loud places

More pictures posted in his one year album.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

6 1/2 month milestones

This month was very exciting. I couldn't wait for the whole month before creating new milestones. Carter kept us busy as he started to become mobile. Highlights:
  • Crawling forward and scooting backward
  • Propping himself up with one arm by himself in an almost sitting position
  • Communicating very well - excited when you read his favorite book, communicates when he wants more food or is done eating, wants to be picked up or go to someone else, when he is bored, hungry, etc.
  • Plays independently for longer periods. Favorite toys are his teething butterfly, keys.
  • Standing while holding onto something (play table, crib, etc.). Tries to grab the mobile in his crib by pulling himself up.
  • Persistent attitude - is a good problem solver
  • Loves talking to people (especially ones he knows, though he will smile at just about anyone)
  • Sleeping 10-12 hrs between feedings at night
  • Eating 2 meals/day (allergic to most veggies - good excuse eh?)
  • Tooth popped through on lower left
  • Loves it when you sing to him - especially 'the wheels on the bus go round and round'
  • Took Easter pictures with his cousin Elyse
  • Loves playing with himself in the mirror
  • Is a wild man in the bath - splashing like crazy with his hands and feet, tilts his head to the side so one eye is under water and he can gulp the water

A tooth!

Carter's lower tooth on the left poped through on Sunday. He's been drooling for a couple of months and a little fussy the past couple of weeks and now we know why! He doesn't seemed to be phased by the sharp intruder in his mouth and is enjoying chewing on everything he can get his hands on.

Monday, February 28, 2005

6 month milestones

This past month went by so fast, I can't believe it. We are having the most fun playing together. Some highlights:

  • fascinated with paper
  • crawling, scooting, inching (forward and backwards)
  • reaching for people or objects he likes
  • watches contently while we eat dinner, started solid foods
  • loves his daily walk in the stroller
  • is great in the car now, rarely cries
  • is doing really well with his grandma's who babysit once a week
  • shaking rattles to make noise
  • feeling textures with his hands and mouth
  • especially responsive - easy to make him smile, cries when you leave the room
  • sitting up well, though not completely by himself
  • really active - no more cuddling, this guy wants to play!
  • needed to trim his hair around his ears
  • favorite toys are the remote control and telephone
  • wearing clothes sized 12 mo
  • wearing disposable diapers now to improve mobility

Sunday, February 27, 2005

More pictures

Created a new album with pictures since we've been to Hawaii. You can find it here.


So we tried pears for the first time today. Carter mostly spit them out and made funny faces, but he was really into the spoon and kept grabbing for more. I'm not sure he actually swollowed anything, but it is a good start. I'm sure he'll get the hang of it soon.

Bought some baby food books today that came highly recommended. I'm planning on making as much as I can. My organic fruit delivery each week makes it really easy to add variety and make sure he is eating well.
- Simply Natural Baby Food
- Mommy Made & Daddy Too!
- Annabel Karmel's New Complete Baby and Toddler Meal Planner

Sunday, February 13, 2005

New Phase: Eating

Carter is getting ready to enter a whole new stage of development - eating solid foods. I'm looking for a good high chair and am totally disappointed by what is out there. Most of them are hideous - not something I want displayed prominently in my house. The one high chair that has a little personality to it is $200! My favorite is the Peg-Perego (here:, but from what I've read (including the Baby Bargains book) it is impossible to clean and too tall for most babies. But it sure looks nice! The high chair that has the best reviews and would probably be the most practical, is an adjustable booster but is just plain ugly. I don't know what to do...

5 Months!

I can't believe Carter is already 5+ months old. New milestones include:
  • getting up on his hands and knees and rocking back and forth
  • sleeping 10 hrs between feedings
  • talking, talking, talking
  • holding his bottle during feedings
  • loves his baths - is getting more brave each time!
  • fascinated with food - will watch us eat and try to grab our glasses
  • flirting with strangers - everywhere we go he's making people smile
  • rolling over both directions
  • loves books - his favorite is hand, hand, fingers, thumb

I had no idea how fulfilling being a mom would be. I'm having my best time ever!

Thursday, January 20, 2005


We had a wonderful time on the big island. We spent 18 days snorkeling, soaking up the sun (and rain), laying on the beach, reading books, and hanging out as a family. Carter did reallly well on the plane and hit the following milestones while we were in paradise:
  • rolling over from back to front
  • scooting on his tummy
  • talking up a storm (favorite words are still boom and mom)
  • lots of independent time playing (even rocks himself in vibrating chair)
  • slept for 8-9 hrs at night

You can find some pictures here.

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